What is a Brand Audit?

A brand audit is a comprehensive review of a company's branding strategies, messaging, visual identity, and marketing materials to identify inconsistencies and areas for improvement. It involves analysing the company's existing content and identifying gaps in its branding, and then creating a business map to align the brand with its intended audience. The result of a brand audit is a set of guidelines that provides clarity and consistency on how the brand should be presented across all touchpoints.

Steps include:

  1. Creating a business/customer journey map
  2. Identifying trends in existing marketing content
  3. Producing a SWAT analysis
    Analyse the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats within the existing customer journey and brand.

Brand audits are usually completed as a foundation for a brand refresh or complete rebrand, however the can also be completed on their own as a way of bringing alignment to brand assets.

BegIN your journey

Brand Audit

(Please note, we have a minimum project fee of £10k upwards)
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Our favourite
Brand Audit projects

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We went through the whole rebrand process and have transformed the image of my company, it couldn't have gone better from my perspective. I would highly recommend embarking on that journey and enlisting their services."
Harry Holding
Founder at HHGD
To cut a long story short, I’d recommend Farside for any brand project. We were in need of refresh before launching in the U.S. The entire team is hugely confident in the outcome as a result."
Max Adamski
Co-founder at Jigsaw
Rob is a very talented designer and one of our most trusted creative partners to work with. I know that whatever project we work on with Farside will get done on time and with great design precision and professionalism."
Monica Benson
Production at Reddit
Rob helped us transform our company from startup to commercial entity. All branding, conceptual ideation and productions were designed with professionalism, love and commitment."
Jake Manning
Founder of Mahlzeit
I would highly recommend Farside. Their professionalism and flexibility goes above and beyond."
Ophelia Froud
Founder of Glowcation